Friday 23 March 2018

COMMUNICATION Unit 4 - Non Verbal Communication


Nonverbal communication has been defined as communication without words.
It includes apparent behavior such as facial expressions, eyes, body language, touching as well as less obvious messages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people.
Nonverbal communication is universal in contrast to spoken language.
It can be intentional or unintentional.

Importance of Non Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is important in expressing our emotions. Emotions such as happy, satisfied, confident, surprised, eager, tired, stressed, sad etc.
These are almost all expressed through different body gestures and face.
We are able to understand each other up on judging each other's expression.
Non-verbal gestures are what our recipients see in the first place, even before a single word is heard. These figurative messages can be a visual sign of feeling, but our words convey a different message.
Thus, expression of the face becomes basic mode of non-verbal communication among people.

It plays a vital role in communicating interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal communication includes communications that occurs with our words and through our tone of voice, posture and facial expressions.
It is also found by many researchers that non-verbal interpersonal communication like body language may communicate 93 percent of our attitudes and beliefs.
We use language in verbal communication to communicate precise messages.
Non-verbal communication involves any other information that we send and receive from others including our body language, eye contact or how we say a particular message.

Non-verbal communication is a main supporter of verbal interaction.
In fact they supplement each other and give full meaning. Because non-verbal communication can repeat the spoken message: contradict the message that individual is trying to convey; emphasize the message, substitute or complement meaning to make it understand clearly.
For example, when the class teacher comes across his student with frowning face seeking permission to take rest, he would immediately grant permission because he saw how much the student was suffering not only by hearing the reason, but more by judging students facial expression.

Non-verbal communication also reflects individual's personality.
"Personality is the entire mental organization of a human being at any stage of his development.
It embraces every phase of human character: intellect, temperament, skill, morality, and every attitude that has been built up in the course of one's life."
So according to the above definition personality concerns the most vital, obvious parts of an individual's psychological life: it concerns whether a person is sad or happy, lethargic or active, brainy or tedious.
And these are all aspects of non-verbal communication because we are able to define person's personality through judging their facially expressed emotions and behaviors.
For example, my friend wouldn't tell all his personality orally. However, more than that, I will come to know his detail personality upon judging his daily behaviors and emotional expression. Therefore, this shows that nonverbal communication speaks more than verbal communication in our life.

Nonverbal communication plays greater role in performing rituals such as greetings and goodbyes.
The smile we smile as soon as we see someone we recognize from distant itself tells a lot about importance of non verbal communication.
Similarly, waving our hand indicating good bye is another example of non verbal communication.
 None the less, nodding or shaking our head indicates accepting or refusing when others tell something or offers something.
These are some of the details about how non-verbal communication interacts with verbal communication through the process of reinforcement, contradiction, and substitution, complementing or emphasizing.


Kinesics is the name given to the study of body’s physical movements.
Kinesics is considered to be ‘an intelligent way of communication’.
The study of the way in which certain body movements and gestures serve as a form of non – verbal communication.
Body movements and gestures are regarded as a form of non- verbal communication.
Kinesics includes the following things
Body Movements .
Personal appearance
Eye Contact
Facial Expressions

Kinesics – Personal Appearance

The final area of Kinesics is appearance.
Appearance includes clothes, hair , jewelry, cosmetics and such. It accents our body movements and how we are perceived.
Appearance tells others how we want to be seen.
If you changed your appearance drastically-from formal to informal , for example-how would others respond?
When do you give your appearance special attention ? These occasions tell you about the importance of appearance.
Most people indicate they are not influenced by another’s physical appearance , but apparently they are.
Expect your appearance to a part of the messages you communicate, and should plan your appearance so that it will effectively communicate to others.

Kinesics – Posture

Body shape and posture are a part of kinesics .
Body shape and posture affect how we think about ourselves , how we relate to other , and how others relate to us even though body shape is mostly hereditary and largely uncontrollable .
When we encounter an unfamiliar situation , we become more aware of body shape and posture-interview or a formal speech .
Posture is part of any relationship , regardless of your degree of awareness . Whether you lean forward/backward , stand or sit erectly , or slouch , you tell another person something .
The others mental filter gives meaning to your posture .

Kinesics – Eye Contact

The eyes are considered to be the windows of the soul. You look to the eyes of a speaker to help find out the truthfulness of his speech , his intelligence , attitudes , and feelings.
Eye contact is a direct and powerful form of non-verbal communication

Kinesics – Facial Expression

If you smile regularly you will be perceived as more likable , friendly , warm and approachable.
Similarly the way you raise your brows also communicate a message to others.
You facial expression let others know of your moods and feelings and can also caution them.


Proxemics is a type of non verbal communication.
It is the study of how we communicate with the space around us.
It involves how we arrange personal space and what we arrange in it.
The cultural anthropologist who coined the term in 1963 , emphasized the impact of Proxemics behavior on interpersonal communication.

According to proxemics, physical distance between two people can be co- related to relationship they share, be it personal or social. Proxemics defines this distance.
The study of spatial distances between individuals is different in cultures and situations.
Intimate distance for embracing , touching or whispering 1. close phase – less than 6 inches (15 cm) . 2. Far phase – 6 to 18 inches (15 to 46 cm)
 personal distance for inactions among good friends of family members 1.  close phase – 1.5 to 2.5 feet (46 to 76 cm) 2.  far phase – 2.5 to 4 feet (76 to 120 cm)
social distance for interactions among acquaintances 1.close phase -4 to 7 feet (1.2 to 2.1 m) 2. far phase –7to 12feet (2.1to 3.7m)
public distance used for public speaking 1. close phase – 12 to 25 feet (3.7 to 7.6 m) 2. far phase – 25 feet (7.6 m ) or more.



Chronemics is the study of how human beings communicate through their use of time.
It refers to a communication based understanding of time. These understandings vary from culture to culture and person to person.
Our society does not value time highly.

Chronemics differ from situation to situation as well as relationship to relationship.
A situational example would be, it is acceptable to arrive late for a party but not to an official meeting.
A relationship based example would be that its okay for a doctor to keep a patient waiting, but not the other way around.
Chronemics are an example of non verbal communication, because these understandings function as unstated rues that members of a society more or less follow.


Paralinguistic communication is the study of voice and how words are said. 
When you open your mouth to speak, you reveal much about yourself that often has nothing at all to do with the words you are speaking.
Paralinguistic signals and cues refer to every element and nuance of your speech.
Here are some common paralinguistic vocal cues and examples:
Rate/Speed Rapid rates of speech (and quickly coming up with a response) have been correlated with composure and self-assurance.
For example, to establish instant vocal rapport and a more subtle connection, speak at a rate or speed similar to the person you are communicating with in conversation.


It refers to a pattern of voice. A smooth rhythm or flow of speech with a low pitch indicates confidence and authoritative convey lack of clarity.
International languages have unique rhythms. It is important to note this because the global language for business today is still English.
No matter what your native language is, if you match the rate and rhythm of speech of the slowest speaking person, it will be easier to communicate and connect on a paralinguistic level.


Research indicates that confidence, assertiveness, and boldness are reflected in louder speech.
High volume doesn’t mean shouting.
This doesn’t mean that you go around speaking loudly but if you need to be more assertive, raising your vocal volume will help you to do this.


Pitch is the natural quality of a voice which can only be changed after a lot of practice.
Low pitched voice is a good quality voice which commands attention and respect as it indicates that the speaker is in total control of the situation.
Whereas a high pitched voice is throated and shrill voice which pierces the listener’s ears and drives them away.
A high-pitched voice can often time sound squeaky or childlike.
Many people associate lower pitches with greater credibility, maturity and authority.
Even though a lower pitched voice is often considered more credible, you should never force your voice so low that you lose vocal power or vocal focus.

Inflection/Vocal variety 

Inflection refers to variations in pitch. 


Quality usually refers to the vocal characteristics that allow you to differentiate one voice from another. Is a person’s voice small, feminine, or shaky; thin, throaty, or aloof; tense, flat, grating, nasal, harsh, or shrill? All of these represent different vocal combinations of rate, pitch, and volume.


Finally, how emphatic are the statements? For example if someone says, "I want you to do it now!" The intense delivery can be a direct indicator of the speaker's passion and commitment or lack of it. 
The tone also reveals emotions behind the words being spoken.
Being aware of your own paralinguistic vocal strengths and weaknesses will allow you to subtly influence your speaking and listening so that you will be a more powerful communicator.

Communicative use of artifacts

Artifacts are objects that convey non verbal messages about a place.
These include furniture, plants, colours, architecture etc.
These are an important aspect of non verbal communication as the right choice of artifacts would reflect the right image about a particular place.

The choice of furniture speaks about the environment of a workplace.
It also speaks about the level of business being carried out at a place.
For this reason, organization gives careful consideration to office space, factory layout, the sales area and conference venues.
The environment should put people at ease and match their expectations; an unsuitable environment can produce `noise' that causes communication barriers and interferes with the communication.

Certain instincts, such as desire for privacy, familiarity and security, need to be satisfied.
Careful design of the workplace can meet these needs and in so doing improve communication, productivity and morale.
Natural and artificial light, colour, temperature, tables, chairs, desks,lounges, plants, sound, artwork, magazines, and floor and wall coverings all have an impact on people's perception of an organization

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