Wednesday 20 December 2017

Nature and Models of Business Communication

Nature of Business Communication

1. Communication is related to human activity: Communication exchanges are actually directly linked with every human being’s lifetime. It is very necessary. Taking pleasure in restful lifetime, acquiring person-to-person interactions, creating a flourishing point out and so on. Aren’t probable without having communication exchanges.

2. Communication involves two or more parties: At least, two parties are involved in virtually any communication exchange process. This party exactly who communicates information is known as sender and the party exactly who is provided with the info is known as a device. Even so in some instances some sort of sender could send out a message for you to many receivers.

3.Communication could be one-way or maybe two-way process: Communication might take the design involving two-way or maybe one-way process. With two-way communication, the receiver sends his feedback to the sender after receiving the message. One-way communication means you move involves information receiving. In this particular means of communication receiver doesn’t present his or her reaction to your sender.

4. Success of communication depends on a proper understanding of the parties involved: Powerful communication comes about if your receiver feels your concept you might say your sender posts the idea. If the receiver doesn’t deliver his or her reaction to your sender, your sender is not going to fully grasp your receiver’s view. In this case, your communications are going to be inadequate. As a result, to make your communication prosperous the two senders and receiver got to know your side effects of different.

5. Conversation in organization flows in a variety of styles: With organization, information flows in a variety of recommendations, for example way upward direction, down way, horizontal way and many others.
Nature of Business Communication
It is a process.
It is inevitable.
Meaning based.
Communication could be intentional and unintentional.
Communication is systematic.
A two-way traffic.
Communication is a social process.
A dynamic process.
Continuous process.
Communication involves interaction and transaction.
It is contextual.
Needs proper understanding.
Leads achievement of the organizational objective.
Dispels misunderstanding.
It shares thoughts and ideas, which produce response.
It is the life blood of the business.

Business Communication Models

Depending on the product or service a company offers, it seeks a communication style that contributes to its process and, therefore, overall success. Business communication experts and leaders say that for success there should be frequent, open and thorough communication. However, variations in situations and goals mean there are numerous ways to handle communication.


Companies that thrive of innovation, creativity and expansion often subscribe to the empowerment model of communication. Empowerment means giving employees more autonomy and latitude to come up with ideas, own responsibility and take on tasks. The foundation of this employee-driven work approach is giving employees a voice by encouraging them to step forward with ideas for new products and processes. Empowerment managers engage employees in conversation, elicit input in decision-making and foster safe environments in which brainstorming and creative thinking are the norm. The empowerment model involves two-way and multi-way conversations.


When precise work with significant controls are required, management typically keeps communication controlled and top-down. Work environments with significant security risks typically divide knowledge and duties to prevent enabling anyone from being able to steal or sabotage. Banks are an excellent example. Tellers know how to run specific transactions and very little else about the bank's larger policies and operations. Branch managers oversee teller cash handling and check to make sure there is no theft but have little latitude to change bank product or service policies. 

Until you reach the very top levels, employees and even mid-level managers have specific duties and scopes. The divisions make sure no one is in a position to mishandle or misappropriate large sums of money. Military and scientific research organizations often have similar approaches. People are told what upper management feels they need to know.
Business Communication Models

Direct Marketing

Representatives come to your door. Perhaps you only learn about their product through postcards or mailers. Companies which use direct marketing want to keep the communication between you and them -- no advertising middle-men. There are several reasons companies choose to employ direct marketing and direct sales for their communications model. 

One is to create an intimate relationship between company and customers. Another has to do with cost savings. You can reach more people with direct mail and email blasts than you can with broadcast advertising. Representatives usually only get paid commission -- so their labour is free until it's successful. Whatever the reasoning, it's highly successful for a number of large, well-known cosmetic and home-product companies.

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